Personal website:https://faculty.swjtu.edu.cn/wulei/en/index.htm" />
Assistant Professor

WU Lei


Email: wuleitpl@163.com

Office: Room 2208, No.2 Building, Xipu Campus

Links: http://yz.swjtu.edu.cn/~8116



PhD, Southwest Jiaotong University, Carrier Utilization Engineering (2007)

MA.Eng, Southwest Jiaotong University, Carrier Utilization Engineering (2005)

B.T., Southwest Jiaotong University, Thermal Energy and Power Engineering (2001)


Academic Appointments

Lecturer, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2012-present)

Research Interests

Wheel/rail interface management,

Train traction brake,

Structural optimization design,

Intelligent data mining


Principal Publications of the Last Five Years

Lei Wu, Jianqiao Liu, Manicka Dhanasekar, Hengyu Wang, Zefeng Wen. Optimisation of railhead profiles for curved tracks using improved nonuniform rational B-splines and measured profiles. Wear. 2019, 418-419: 123-132.

Shuai Chen, Guotang Zhao, Hengyu Wang, Gongquan Tao, Zefeng Wen, Lei Wu. Study of wheel wear influenced by tread temperature rising during tread braking. Wear. 2019, 438–439: 1-10.

Lei Wu, Xuesong Yao, Joel VanderMarel, Xin Lu, John Cotter, Donald T. Eadie, Zefeng   Wen, Hengyu Wang. Effects of curve radius and rail profile on energy saving in heavy haul achieved by application of top of rail friction modifier. Wear. 2016, 366–367: 279-286.


Current Research

Research on Formation and Development Mechanism of Long Wave Rail Corrugation and Preventive Measures

Optimization of Metro Rail Profile with Small Radius Curve Based on Wear Regression

Research on Wheel-rail Maintenance Performance of Heavy-duty Railway Based on Wheel-rail Matching Performance


Primary Teaching areas

Train traction brake

Hydraulic and pneumatic transmission and control

Current Courses

Finite element analysis


I am available for supervision. Over the past five years, I have supervised and graduated 5 MA.Engs.