Personal website:https://faculty.swjtu.edu.cn/baoyu/en/index.htm" />
Assistant Professor

Bao Yu


Master tutor

Email: baoyu@swjtu.edu.cn



PhD, Southwest Jiaotong University, Materials Science and Engineering (2015)

B.S., Southwest Jiaotong University, Materials Science and Engineering (2010)


Academic Appointments

Lecturer, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2017-present)

Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Polymer Science, Fudan University, China (2015-2017)

Research Interests

Single-molecule force spectroscopy, Polymer self-assembly


Principal Publications of the Last Five Years

Yu Bao, Zhonglong Luo, Shuxun Cui*. Environment-dependent single-chain mechanics of synthetic polymers and biomacromolecules by atomic force microscopy-based single-molecule force spectroscopy and the implications on advanced polymer materials. Chemical Society Reviews, 2020, 49, 2799-2827. (IF=42.846)

Jun Xu, Nanpu Cao, Yaoxin Xiao, Zhonglong Luo, Yu Bao, Shuxun Cui. Revealing the Relationship between the Biocompatibility and the Bound Water of Poly(ethylene glycol) by Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy. Acta Polymeric Sinica 2020, 51, 754-761.

Lu Qian, Wanhao Cai, Duo Xu, Yu Bao, Zhong-yuan Lu, Shuxun Cui. Single-Molecule Studies Reveal That Water Is a Special Solvent for Amylose and Natural Cellulose. Macromolecules 2019, 52, 5006-5013.

Yu Bao, Duo Xu, Lu Qian, Li Zhao, Zhong-yuan Lu and Shuxun Cui*. Hydrophilicities of Amylose and Natural Cellulose Are Regulated by the Linkage between Sugar Rings. Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 3382-3385.

Yu Bao, Hu-jun Qian, Zhong-yuan Lu, Shuxun Cui*. Revealing the Hydrophobicity of Natural Cellulose by Single-Molecule Experiments. Macromolecules, 2015, 48, 3685-3690.

Research Group

Dr. Bao is a member of Shuxun Cui group.


Primary Teaching areas

Surface and interface

Current Courses

Nano tribology and biological tribology


I am available for supervision. Over the past three years, I have supervised and graduated two M.S. students.

In the News
