Personal website:https://faculty.swjtu.edu.cn" />
Assistant Professor

YANG Xufeng


Email: xufengyang0322@swjtu.edu.cn


Office: Room 306, Department of railway vehicle, Jiuli Campus, Southwest Jiatong Univeristy



PhD, Northwest polytechnical University, Mechanics (2016)

B.S., Northwest polytechnical University, Engineering Mechanics (2011)


Academic Appointments

Lecture, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2016-present)

Research Interests

Reliability analysis based on surrogate Model, Risk assessment and management, Fatigue prediction of practical structure, Optimization of composite structures


Principal Publications of the Last Five Years

Yang X*, Mi C, Deng D, et al. A system reliability analysis method combining active learning Kriging model with adaptive size of candidate points. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2019, 60: 137-150.

Yang X*, Liu Y, Mi C, et al. System reliability analysis through active learning Kriging model with truncated candidate region. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2018, 169: 235-241.

Yang X*, Liu Y, Fang X, et al. Estimation of low failure probability based on active learning Kriging model with a concentric ring approaching strategy. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2018, 58: 1175–1186.

Yang X*, Liu Y, Mi C, et al. Active Learning Kriging Model Combining With Kernel-Density-Estimation-Based Importance Sampling Method for the Estimation of Low Failure Probability. Journal of Mechanical Design, 2018, 140: 051402.

Yang X*, Wang T, Li J, et al. Bounds approximation of limit-state surface based on active learning Kriging model with truncated candidate region for random-interval hybrid reliability analysis. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2020, 121: 1345-1366.

Yang X*, Cheng X, Wang T, et al. System reliability analysis with small failure probability based on active learning Kriging model and multimodal adaptive importance sampling. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2020, 62: 581-596.

Yang X*, Cheng X. Active learning method combining Kriging model and multimodal-optimization-based importance sampling for the estimation of small failure probability. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2020, 121: 4843-4864.

Yang X*, Liu Y, Ma P. Structural reliability analysis under evidence theory using the active learning kriging model. Engineering Optimization, 2017, 49: 1922-1938.

Yang X*, Liu Y, Gao Y. Unified reliability analysis by active learning Kriging model combining with Randomset based Monte Carlo simulation method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2016, 108: 1343-1361.

Selected Awards and Honors

Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Shaanxi Province (2018)

Professional Activities

Reviewers of several reputable Journals, such as Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Journal of Mechanical Design, Applied mathematical modelling, etc.  


Current Research

Reliability analysis based on active learning Kriging model for complicated structures with very small failure probability.

Vibration fatigue reliability analysis of bogie frame based on subset simulation  

Key techniques of reliability-based optimization of aviation composite structures


Primary Teaching areas

Finite Element Method and Application

Current Courses

Finite Element Method and Application


I am available for supervision. Over the past five years, I have supervised two masters and one Ph.D. student.