Personal website: https://faculty.swjtu.edu.cn/caozhongqing/en/index.htm" />
Associate Professor

CAO Zhonqing

Associate Professor

Email: zqcao@swjtu.edu.cn



PhD, Southwest Jiaotong  University, Solid Mechanics (2006)

M.A., Southwest Jiaotong University, Computational Mechanics (1995)

B.S., Chongqing University, Mining Engineering (1989)


Academic Appointments

Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2009-present)

Lecturer, School of Mechanical Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong University, China (1995-2008)

Administrative Appointments

Vice Director, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Engineering Science Research Institute,Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2003-2008)

Research Interests

Research Interest 1,  Robot Technology ;

2, Automatic measurement and control system;

3,  Computational methods for fluid-structure interaction;


Principal Publications of the Last Five Years

1 Hai-chao Chen, Zhong-qing Cao, Guang-yan Chen, Bei Wang, Cong-yu Gong, Zhi-xing Zhang, Zhen-bing Cai; Design and construction of a novel instrument for high-frequency micro-force electrical sliding friction testingReview of Scientific Instruments[J]; 90, 095103 (2019)

2  Q. Y. Chen, Z. Q. Cao* and Y. J. Yuan*, Study on Non-Bioparticles

and Staphylococcus aureus by Dielectrophoresis, RSC

Advances 2020, 10(5): 2598 – 2614

   3   Ou, ZY (Ou, Zhengyu) ; Lu, CJ (Lu, Caijiang) ; Yang, AC (Yang, Aichao); Zhou, H (Zhou, Hai) ; Cao, ZQ (Cao, Zhongqing) ; Zhu, RR (Zhu, Renren) ; Gao, HL (Gao, Hongli),Self-biased magnetoelectric current sensor based on SrFe12O19/FeCuNbSiB/PZT composite,SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL[J],2019,290:8-13

4 Dazhi Chen, Zhongqing Cao*, Yong J. Yuan*, Investigation of Formaldehyde Adsorption on Carbon Nanotubes by Density Functional Theory, Current Nanoscience 2020, 16(5), Page Enation

5  Guoqiang Fu, Hongwei Gong , Zhongqing Cao, Integrated thermal error modeling of machine tool spindle using a chicken swarm optimization algorithm-based radial basic function neural network, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 16(9)


Current Research

Research on conducting property of friction pairs composed by Au based alloys in complex moving mode under multi-factor conditions, Supported by NSAF (No:U1730131)


Primary Teaching areas

Measurement and control;

Precision instruements;

Computational Mechanics;

Current Courses

Precision Measurement and Control System ; ( Course for B.S)

Precision Instrument Design ; ( Course for B.S)

The Frontiers of  Intelligent Robots; ( Course for PhD & M.A)


I am available for supervision. Over the past five years, I have supervised and graduated 15 students.