Personal website:https://faculty.swjtu.edu.cn/guopeng/en/index.htm" />
Associate Professor

GUO Peng

Associate Professor

Email: pengguo318@swjtu.edu.cn

Office: Jixie Building, Jiuli Campus



PhD, Southwest Jiaotong University, Mechanical Engineering (2014)

B.S., Southwest Jiaotong University, Industrial Engineering (2009)


Academic Appointments

Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2017-Present)

Lecture, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2014-2017)

Postdoctoral Fellow, , IFSTTAR, France (2019-2020)

Visiting Scholar, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany (2016-2017)

Research Interests

Data-driven decision optimization, Smart production system, logistics system modelling and optimization


Principal Publications of the Last Five Years

Peng Guo, Xun He, Yulin Luan, Yi Wang. Logic-based Benders decomposition for gantry crane scheduling with transferring position constraints in a rail-road container terminal. Engineering Optimization, 2021,53.

Peng Guo, Felix Weidinger, and Nils Boysen. Parallel machine scheduling with job synchronization to enable efficient material flows in hub terminals. Omega. 2019,89.

Peng Guo, Wenming Cheng, Yi Wang, and Nils Boysen. Gantry crane scheduling in intermodal rail-road container terminals. International Journal of Production Research. 2018,56(16).

Peng Guo, Wenming Cheng and Yi Wang.  Hybrid evolutionary algorithm with extreme machine learning fitness function evaluation for two-stage capacitated facility location problem. Expert Systems with Applications, 2017, 71.

Peng Guo, Wenming Cheng and Yi Wang. Scheduling step-deteriorating jobs to minimize the total weighted tardiness on a single machine.   International Journal of Systems Science, 2017.

Selected Awards and Honors

The Third Prize of Progress in Science and Technology of Sichuan Province (2018)

Best Paper Award of Omega (2019)

The Second Prize of Excellent Paper in the First Sichuan-Chongqing Science and Technology Academic Conference, China (2020)


Current Research

Data-driven real time optimization on production line


Primary Teaching areas

Industrial Engineering

Production management


Current Courses

Production planning and control

System modelling and simulation



I am available for master supervision. Over the past five years, I have supervised more than 15 master students and graduated 11 masters