Personal website:https://faculty.swjtu.edu.cn/dengzhihui/en/index.htm" />
Associate Professor

DENG Zhihui

Associate Professor




 M.A., Harbin Industrial University, Engineering Thermophysics (1988)

 B.S., Xi’an Jiaotong University, Turbine Compressor (1983)


Academic Appointments

 Associate Professor, College of Mechanical Engineering of Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2001-present)

 Postdoctoral Fellow, College of Mechanical Engineering of Southwest Jiaotong University, China (1988-2001)

Research Interests

 Underground Condition Control, energy-saving technology, Study on ventilation and fire of utility tunnel


Principal Publications of the Last Five Years

 1. Simulation and analysis of CO2 distribution in office rooms, Refrigeration and air conditioning (Sichuan),2019,33(4)

 2. Numerical simulation and structural optimization of flow and heat transfer in waste heat boiler of bottom blown smelting furnace2015No44,p43

 3. The combination optimization of heat collection area, water tank volume and inclination angle of solar water heating system in Xichang City. Journal of solar energy,2016, 37(3): 636-643

 4. Comparative study on pollutant channeling at the entrance of highway tunnel. Refrigeration and air conditioning (Sichuan) 2016 (1) :109-113;

 5. Based on interactive orthogonal experiment, the influencing factors of solar energy guarantee rate of hot water system are studied. Journal of solar energy2017, 38(2): 400-408;

 6.Based on cluster analysis, the meteorological classification of air source heat pump assisted solar water heating system is studied. Journal of solar energy2017, 11,3067;

   7. Research and application of seal recovery technology of rotary air preheater, Refrigeration and air conditioning (Sichuan), 2017(5) :492-495


Primary Teaching areas

 Ventilating and Air Conditioning

 Heat and mass exchange theory and equipment

 Project Management

Current Courses

Heat and mass exchange theory and equipment ž

Heating engineering

Construction organization and management

Production practice and comprehensive course design