Personal website:https://faculty.swjtu.edu.cn/chenchunjun/en/index.htm" />

CHEN Chunjun


Director of Mechano-electronic Measurement and Control Laboratorial Center

Deputy Director of Department of Electromechanical & Measurement and Control

Email: Cjchen@swjtu.edu.cn

Office: School of Mechanical Engineering, Jiuli Campus



PhD, Southwest Jiaotong University, Vehicle Operation Engineering (2006)

M.A., University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Automatic Control Theory and Applications (1993)


Academic Appointments

Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2007-present)

Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2002-2007)

Administrative Appointments

Deputy director, Technology and Equipment of Rail Transit Operation and Maintenance Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province (2019-present)

Deputy Director, Department of Electromechanical & Measurement and Control (2010-present)

Director, Mechano-electronic Measurement and Control Laboratorial Center (2000-present)

Research Interests

Analysis, calculation and simulation for vibration, noise and aerodynamics of high-speed trains

Performance test and active control of traffic equipment

Test, diagnose, control for electromechanical systems

Theory and simulation of advanced control and measurement theory

Design of electromechanical control and measurement system


Principal Publications of the Last Five Years

[1] Chun-jun Chen, Chao Deng and Dong-wei Wang. Investigation of effect of the train body vibration on measurement of fluctuation pressure on the surface of high-speed train. Measurement, 2021, 168(1). DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2020.108442. (SCI)

[2] Qi Sun, Chun-jun Chen, Andrew H. Kemp, Peter Brooks. An on-board detection framework for polygon wear of railway wheel based on vibration acceleration of axle-box[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021, 153(01), DOI: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2020.107540. (SCI)

[3] Dong-wei Wang, Chunjun Chen, Jia Hu, Zhi-ying He. The effect of Reynolds number on the unsteady wake of a high-speed train [J]. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2020, 204(01), DOI: 10.1016/j.jweia.2020.104223. (SCI)

[4] Chun-jun Chen, Chao Fang, Guo-qing Qu, Zhi-ying He. Vertical vibration modelling and vibration response analysis of Chinese high-speed train passengers at different locations of a high-speed train[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2020, DOI: 10.1177/0954409720901882. (SCI)

[5] Chao Deng, Chun-jun Chen, Qi Sun, Dong-wei Wang, Zhi-ying He. Interference elimination of wall fluctuation pressure test signal of high-speed train based on phase space reconstruction and vibration interference model [J]. Fluctuation and Noise Letters, 2020, 19(02), DOI: 10.1142/S0219477520500200 (SCI)

[6] Dong-wei Wang, Chun-jun Chen, Chao Deng. The use of non-smooth surfaces to control the wake of a high-speed train [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2020, DOI: 10.1177/0954409719880666. (SCI)

[7] Chun-jun Chen, Yong-ping Feng, Zhi-ying He. Primary Study on The Variation law of Tightness and Dynamic Air Tightness Model of High-Speed Train [J]. Journal of the China Railway Society, 2020, Accepted. (EI)

[8] Chun-jun Chen, Yi Liu, Hong-yang He. Impact Analysis of pressure sensor size on measurement of the high-speed train aerodynamic performance test[C].2016 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference. (EI)

[9] Lu Yang, Chunjun Chen, Huan Wang, Dongwei Wang. Forgetting iterative learning control of air pressure simulation system based on multi-step k nearest neighbor initial value optimization [J]. Control Theory & Applications, 2021, 38(03): 309-317.

[10] Shiyong Xiong, Chunjun Chen, Feng Wang, Yin Xia. Dynamic detection method for rail cants based on laser camera transducers [J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2018, 37(18): 251-256. (EI).

Selected Awards and Honors

Excellent Supervisor for Undergraduate Thesis of Southwest Jiaotong University

“Potential star” for Senior Faculty of Southwest Jiaotong University

Hongji Award

Lu’s Award for Young Faculty

Professional Activities

Member, Oil & Gas and Chemical Technology Metrology Technical Committee of Sichuan Province (2021-present).

Member, China Association of Computer Automation Measurement and Control Technology (2020-present)

Editorial Board Member, Computer Measurement and Control (2020-present).

Editorial Board Member, China Measurement & Testing Technology (2019-present).


Current Research

National Natural Science Foundation of China: Research on the mechanism of the air pressure fluctuation in carriage and its iterative learning control under the train-tunnel coupling excitation (grant No. 51975487).

National Natural Science Foundation of China - HSR Joint Fund: Study on control theory and strategy of active suspensions for high-speed EMU bogies (grant No. U2034210).

National Key Research and Development Program: Study on the identification and acquisition method of cargo status in the process of rapid freight transportation (grant No. 2017YFB1201304-13).

Research Group

Prof. Chen is a key member of an engineering test group joint by Department of Electromechanical & Measurement and Control and State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University.


Primary Teaching areas

Measurement and Control Technology

Automatic Control

Current Courses

Advanced Control Theory and Applications

Engineering Control System

Precise Measurement and Control

Principles of Automatic Control

Fundamentals of Control Engineering


I am available for supervision. Over the past five years, I have supervised 6 PhDs and graduated over 30 masters.