Personal website:https://faculty.swjtu.edu.cn/chengwenming/en/index.htm" />

CHENG Wenming


Email: wmcheng@swjtu.edu.cn



PhD, Southwest Jiaotong University, Mechanical design and theory (2000)

M.A., Southwest Jiaotong University, Engineering machinery (1989)

B.S., Southwest Jiaotong University, Lifting and hauling machinery (1984)


Academic Appointments

Professor, Department of mechanical engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2001-present)

Associate Professor, Department of mechanical engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (1995-2001)

Lecturer, Department of mechanical engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (1989-1995)

Teaching assistant, Department of mechanical engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (1984-1989)

Administrative Appointments

Vice Dean, Department of mechanical engineering (2015-2018)

Institute Assistant, Department of mechanical engineering (2009-2015)

Department Head, Department of construction machinery (2006-2021)

Research Interests

Digital logistics and intelligent technology

Intelligent optimization and dynamic simulation

Logistics equipment control and information system


Principal Publications of the Last Five Years

Wenming Cheng, Hui Wang, Min Zhang, Run Du. Improved proportional topology optimization algorithm for minimum volume problem with stress constraints[J], Engineering Computations, 2021,38(1):392-412.

Qingrong Chen, Wenming Cheng, Lingchong Gao, Johannes Fottner. A pure neural network controller for doublependulum crane antisway control: Based on Lyapunov stability theory [J]. Asian Journal of Control, 2021,23(1):387-398.

Hui Wang, Wenming Cheng, Run Du, Shubiao Wang, Yupu Wang. Improved proportional topology optimization algorithm for solving minimum compliance problem[J], Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2020;62(2):475-493.

Wucheng Yang, Wenming Cheng. Modelling and solving mixed-model two-sided assembly line balancing problem with sequence-dependent setup time[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2020;58(21):6638-6659.

Yupu Wang, Wenming Cheng, Run Du, Shubiao Wang. Bionic drag reduction for box girders based on ostracion cubicus[J]. Energies, 2020;13(17):1-17.

Huafeng Dai, Wenming Chen, Wucheng Yang, Yi Wang. A general variable neighbourhood search for multi-skill resource-constrained project scheduling problem with step-deterioration[J].International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2020;34(2):145-164.

Minyao Tan, Wenming Cheng. Non-linear lateral buckling analysis of unequal thickness thin-walled box beam under an eccentric load[J]. Thin-Walled Structures,2019;139(06):77-90

Yangzhi Ren, Wenming Cheng, Yuanqing Wang, Bin Wang. Analysis of flexural behavior of a simple supported thin beam under concentrated multiloads using trigonometric series method[J]. Thin-Walled Structures,2017,120(11):124-137.

Yangzhi Ren, Wenming Cheng, Yuanqing Wang, Qingrong Chen, Bin Wang. Distortional analysis of simply supported box girders with inner diaphragms considering shear deformation of diaphragms using initial parameter method[J]. Engineering Structures,2017,145,15(8):44-59.

Yangzhi Ren, Wenming Cheng, Yuanqing Wang, Bin Wang. Analysis of the distortion of cantilever box girder with inner flexible diaphragms using initial parameter method[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2017,117(8):140-154.


Current Research

ResearchProjectTitle1: National Natural Science Foundation of China: Wind-induced Effect Characteristics and Wind-Resistant Load Reduction Mechanism of Bionic Structure of Large Crane Automatic Carton Handling System.

ResearchProjectTitle2: National Natural Science Foundation of China: Study on mechanical coupling mechanism of lightweight bionic box girder for large crane structures.

ResearchProjectTitle3: Key research and development project of Sichuan Province: automatic container loading and unloading system of railway freight station yard.

Research Group

Dr.Cheng is the leader of the Intelligent Equipment and Technology team.


Primary Teaching areas

Area title 1 Lifting and hauling machinery

Area title 2 Industrial engineering

Area title 3 Intelligent equipment control technology

Current Courses

Course title 1Logistics theory and equipment

Course title 2Lifting and hauling machinery

Course title 3Modern lifting and construction machinery technology


I am available for supervision. Over the past five years, I have supervised and graduated 8 PhDs.