Personal website:https://faculty.swjtu.edu.cn/chenguangxiong/en/index.htm" />

CHEN Guangxiong


Email: chen_guangx@163.com

Office: Room 403, Tribology Research Institute, Jiuli Campus



PhD, Southwest Jiaotong University, Mechanical Engineering (2002)

M.A., Southwest Jiaotong University, Vehicle Engineering (1988)

B.S., Changsha Railway University, Vehicle Engineering (1983)


Academic Appointments

Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2003-present)

Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2001-2003)

Research Interests

Friction-Induced Vibration and Noise, Squeal and Squeak, Rail Corrugation, Wheel Polygonization, Sliding Electric Contact


Principal Publications of the Last Five Years

Chen GX, Zhang S, Wu BW, Zhao XN, Wen ZF, Ouyang H and Zhu MH, Field measurement and model prediction of rail corrugation, Proc IMechE Part F: J Rail and Rapid Transit, 2020, 234(4):381–392.

Wu BW, Chen GX, Kang X, Zhu Q, Study on the origin of rail corrugation at a long downhill braking section based on friction-excited oscillation, 2020, Tribology Transactions, 63(6):1-23.

Zhu Q, Chen GX, Kang X & Ren WJ, Effect of wheel structure on friction-induced wheel polygonal wear of high-speed train, Tribology Transactions, 2021, DOI: 10.1080/10402004.2021.1890288.

Zhao XN, Chen GX, Lv JZ, Zhang S, Wu BW, Zhu Q, Study on the mechanism for the wheel polygonal wear of high-speed trains in terms of the frictional self-excited vibration theory, Wear 426–427 (2019):1820–1827.

Cui Xiaolu, Chen Guangxiong & Ouyang Huajiang, Study on the effect of track curve radius on friction-induced oscillation of a wheelset–track system, Tribology Transactions, 2019, 62(4): 688–700.

Chen GX, Lv JZ, Zhu Q, He Y, Xiao XB, Effect of the braking pressure variation on disc brake squeal of a railway vehicle: Test measurement and finite element analysis, Wear 426–427 (2019):1788–1796.

Cui Xiaolu, Chen Guangxiong, Zhao Jiangwei, Yan Wenyi, Ouyang Huajiang, Zhu Minhao, Field investigation and numerical study of the rail corrugation caused by frictional self-excited vibration, Wear 376-377 (2017):1919–1929.

Chen GX, Cui XL. Experimental investigation of the time delay between a varying applied normal force and the resulting friction force, Journal of Tribology, 2017, 139: 051607-1-051607-8.

Chen GX, Zhou ZR, Ouyang H, Jin XS, Zhu MH and Liu QY, A finite element study on rail corrugation based on saturated creep force-induced self-excited vibration of a wheelset-track system, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 329(2010):4643–4655.

Chen GX, Liu QY, Jin XS, Zhou ZR, Stability analysis of a squealing vibration model with time delay, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 311 (2008):516–536.

Selected Awards and Honors

Second Prize of National Natural Science Award (2006)

First Prize of China Ministry of Education Natural Science Award (2003)


Current Research

Research on the polygonal wear mechanism of high-speed train wheels based on wheel-rail rolling-sliding contact conditions

Study on the formation mechanism of rail corrugation induced by friction coupling self-excited vibration of a wheelset-track system


Primary Teaching areas


Current Courses

Friction-Induced Vibration and Noise Theory


I am available for supervision. Over the past five years, I have supervised and graduated 3 PhD students and 16 Master Degree students.