Personal website:https://faculty.swjtu.edu.cn/wangwenjian/en/index.htm" />

WANG Wenjian


Email: wwj527@swjtu.edu.cn

Office: Tribology Research Institute, Southwest Jiaotong University, 111 Erhuan Road, Jinniu District, Chengdu, 610031 P.R. China

Links: CV



PhD, Southwest Jiaotong University, Mechanical design and theory (2008)

M.A., Southwest Jiaotong University, Mechanical design and theory (2005)

B.S., Huazhong Agricultural University, Mechanical design and manufacturing (2002)


Academic Appointments

Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2016-present)

Visiting scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Sheffield, UK (2015-2016)

Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2009-2016)

Lecturer, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2008-2009)

Research Interests

Service behaviors and scientific maintenance of wheel/rail system

Adhesion mechanism and control technique of wheel/rail interface

Toughening technology of wheel and rail materials and application

Service behaviors and evaluation of materials


Principal Publications of the Last Five Years

W.J. Wang, S.R. Lewis, R. Lewis*, A. Beagles, C.G. He, Q.Y. Liu. The role of slip ratio in rolling contact fatigue of rail materials under wet conditions. Wear, 2017, 376-377:1892-1900

B. Lin, K. Zhou, J. Guo, Q.Y. Liu, W.J. Wang*. Influence of grinding parameters on surface temperature and burn behaviors of grinding rail. Tribology International, 2018,122: 151-162

Wen-jian Wang, Kai-kai Gu, Kun Zhou, Zhen-bing Cai, Jun Guo, Qi-yue Liu*. Influence of granularity of grinding stone on grinding force and material removal in the rail grinding process. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2019,233(2):355-365

C.G. He, H.H. Ding, L.B. Shi, J. Guo, E. Meli, Q.Y. Liu, A. Rindi, Z.R. Zhou, W.J. Wang*. On the microstructure evolution and nanocrystalline formation of pearlitic wheel material in a rolling-sliding contact. Materials Characterization, 2020, 164:110333

Y. Hu, L. Zhou, H. H. Ding, R. Lewis, Q.Y. Liu, J. Guo, W.J. Wang*. Microstructure evolution of railway pearlitic wheel steels under rolling-sliding contact loading. Tribology International, 2021, 154: 106685

Selected Awards and Honors

First prize of science and technology progress of Sichuan Province (2020)

Academic and technological leaders in Sichuan Province (2020)

Special award of Zhan Tianyou Railway Science and Technology Award (2020)

First prize of natural science of Ministry of Education (2018)

Sichuan Youth Science and Technology Award (2015)

Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Sichuan Province (2011)

Professional Activities

Executive Director of Sichuan Society of Mechanical Engineering (2020–)

Chairman of Special Committee on Tribology and Surface Engineering, Sichuan Society of Mechanical Engineering (2019–)


Current Research

Study on the removal mechanism and interfacial regulation of high-speed grinding rail material under the thermo-mechanical coupling condition, 2019/12/31

Research on key technology and application of wheel/rail interface friction performance control in rail transit, International cooperative research projects, 2019/08/01

Research Group

WANG Wenjian, researcher/professor and doctoral supervisor in Southwest Jiaotong University, research fellow in State Key Laboratory of Traction Power and Engineering Research Center of Advanced Drive Energy Saving Technologies, Ministry of Education.


Current Courses

Data processing and application of MATLAB (optional course)

Current situation and frontier technology of rail transit (freshman seminar)

Properties of metal materials


I am available for supervision. Over the past five years, I have supervised and graduated 10 PhDs and MrDs. He has long focused on research on wheel/rail tribology in railway transit. He established the international advanced experimental evaluation technology system for high-speed wheel/rail rolling fatigue and wear coupling damage. He has headed over 10 projects including the national key R&D program intergovernmental key items for international scientific and technological innovation cooperation, national natural science foundation of China (3 projects), Sichuan key R&D program, etc. He won the first prize of natural science of the ministry of education (rank 2), first prize of Sichuan science and technology progress award (rank 3), Sichuan youth science and technology award, excellent doctoral thesis of Sichuan province, special prize of ZHAN Tianyou railway science and technology award, high-impact academic paper of China Surface Engineering, etc.